Tuesday, 6 February 2018


My MISSION is to teach ANYONE already in or looking at getting in-to the WEDDING INDUSTRY all I know about selling THEIR services or products to BRIDES.   

It may help if I start with the beginning of my journey into the Weddings.  

So 10 years ago I was a successful Business Executive on a really great wage and I have driven all over the country advising companies on Employment Law & Health and Safety. 

But in 2009, I had a really bad year.  

At the end of March 2009, I lost my job and was devastated, I went from earning an amazing carefree wage to zero, and my confidence was shattered. 

Then I had a unexpected surprise I was pregnant, shit, no job and pregnant, that wasn’t what I had ordered, but here it was anyway. 

A few weeks later, my 92 year old Nana died, which was heartbreaking and then 5 months later I had a still birth – her name was Lea-Kate, after my nan. 

Needless to say this was not a good time.  

Fast-forward 8 months and I was pregnant again with Sam who is my little angel,   

And I was still out of work and pregnant again. 

This was not an easy time either – once I had been a confident carefree individual, with everything going for me, now I was without a job for over a year, pregnant twice, still grieving over the loss of Lea-Kate.  I was too scared to go out the house or do anything just in case it  “happened again”  it was torture,  all I thought I was good for was sitting watching the birds, in complete depression. 

My anxiety was through the roof, I was selling everything I owned just for a bit of cash.

Then my darling Sam was born, but that wasn’t without its problems, he was rushed in to intensive care, had lumber puncture, he had jaundice and I was frantic and very scared.  

I started expressing as directed and I asked the midwife for some cream as my nipples were sore she gave me one sashetet and I ask for more, I insisted that I would express every last drop of what I had to give, so that he had the best from me. But the midwife told me , everyone ‘says’ they do that she said, but no one ever does, they are always too tired and this cream is too expensive to waste. 

But I thought well I will show her, from a depressed, frightened person I suddenly became the most determined mum on the planet at that moment, I expressed milk every waking moment, to the extent that the same midwife exclaimed loudly, Well I have never seen anything like it, you did mean it when you said you would express everything you had so she promptly gave me the whole damn box of arnica cream (which is sore nipple cream).   

Sam came home and we were delighted, nervous, but so happy he had came through it.   But something was niggling me.  

I was out of work.  I had had very little money still and I was not happy!

I decided there and then I was going to start my own business, I was going to work for myself, for the freedom it would give me, to work around Sam’s needs and I was going to earn decent money while I did it too. 

It needed to be something I could do on the weekends, or when mike was off, and it needed to be a good earner too.  I had worked at bars and things in the past, but at I think about £5 an hour back then, it seemed an awful lot of work for not much money.

A friend of mine suggested that I go to have my hair and makeup done with her to go to the races and then it struck me.   I could do the same, all I would need to do is go on a course.  

Learn how to do it professionally, get the insurance and then advertise and market myself for Bridal Hair and Makeup.

But I was met with all kinds of opposition, my family, friends all told me that It was a bad idea, maybe they were being kind just to try and protect me, having seen what I had been through, but just like the midwife, people telling me no, was just what I needed to think, well I will show you that I can do it! So I did and nothing could stop me. 

Doing wedding makeup didn't get me out of my depression, however, it did make me get out of the house and doing things normally again!   Which if you suffer with problems of anxiety and depression, doing something that is really important so that you can't let Brides down really helps you  focus! 

So that is what I did and Divine is now over 5 years old . www.divinemakeup.co.uk  

I had made the decision to do Makeup & Hair for Weddings, because it is mainly weekend work, great when you have a child and can work it around your other commitments, and that it paid well!  I had many jobs in the past where I would work in bars earning a little extra cash, but its long hours for not much pay so this way suited me much better!

I get my most of my business from Wedding Fayres and I wasn't always very good at them, but last year Divine makeup did 70 Weddings and most of the leads came from two Wedding Fayres.  

But many people are scared to do Wedding Fayres and those that do them these are the four main things I hear back from people.

1:  "I only expect to get one or two clients from a Wedding Fayre and Im grateful as it covers the cost of them" 
2:  They don’t know how to approach people.
3:  They are scared of rejection.
4: They don't get many people following up from the Fayre. 

These are all common thoughts and I too have had them.   However, my background is sales and marketing and over the years I have made it my mission to obtain as MANY of the LEADS I can from just ONE Wedding Fayre and CONVERT as many of the leads into PAYING clients.

So I now have a barrage of tools up my sleeve to get over all of these issues and that’s what brings me here to you today!

So I have set up a new business designed to train people everything I know, so you can make real money in the Wedding Industry with the hours of your choice! 

So I have developed a proven strategy that takes me on a journey to Selecting Wedding Fayres, and developing it into a major lead generation, and I am now ready to start helping you on your journey! 

What would your world look like if I took all the mystery out of Wedding Fayres.
What would your life be like if you no longer had to go to loads of Wedding Fayres just to get by!
What if you could just cut to the chase and start making loads of extra income just by implementing a few simple things?

Does that sound appealing to you? 

I PROMISE that you that you my complete A to Z formula, you will start earning more from your Wedding Fayres than ever before and I am commited to helping you get their every step of the way. 

My Wedding Fayre Formula!Will convert passing brides into clients.

This complete system shows you how to set up your stand correctly. 
Where to place the stand. 
How to approach brides.
What to say when brides and grooms are at your stand and how not be nervous.  
How to get them to like your facebook page there and then!
How to get their details so that they want to give them to you! 
How to follow up from the wedding fayre with the correct emails!
How to conduct the best bridal consultation and get the booking! 
How to keep you in your brides minds, long after they have left the wedding fayre.

If you looking for someone who is passionate about helping people achieve their goals, if you want a real person to guide you through the tricky moments.

If you want to stop wasting loads of times trying out many bridal fayres and stop wondering how you can make them work for you, then you are in the right place. 

I am Emma Leighton and I am the Wedding Fayre Whisperer.  Let me help you today!

Sign up for my FREE Wedding Fayres that Convert Masterclass http://eepurl.com/di1oQn

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